The sister who is exhausted,
The sister who is heartbroken,
The sister who feels overwhelmed with it all,
The sister who feels numb, because so much has happened,
The sister who feels disconnected, from people and from her Lord,
The sister who is spending Ramadan by herself,
The sister who is lonely because she’s alone,
The sister who is lonely in her marriage,
The sister who cries every night, to her Lord, knowing He is the only One who can help her,
The sister who is unable to fast this Ramadan because of health reasons. She feels left out, disconnected from the ummah and all she wants to do is fast for the sake of Allah, but she knows she can’t,
The sister who is no longer able to make sujood because her body is failing her… as her disease progresses, her muscles have stopped working. Alhamdullilah, she can still walk – with help, but she doesn’t know for how much longer,
The sister who is struggling with invisible illness – in pain and battling to get through each day, putting on a brave face, trying to stay positive and not let the comments ‘But you look fine’ get to her,
The sister who has been told by the doctors that she only has a few years left. They don’t know exactly how long,
The sister who has been trying for a baby for years, and endures regular hurtful and probing comments from others. She knows children are from Allah, but still, she feels the pinch of their words,
The sister who has had IVF so many times, but still remains childless,
The sister who miscarried, again, and felt like a piece of her heart broke when she lost her baby,
The sister who is trying her best to fulfil her obligations and take care of her kids, but is so so tired,
The sister who has lost someone she loves, and she misses them everyday,
The sister who was recently diagnosed with cancer. They don’t yet know if it’s spread,
The sister who is battling cancer and the treatment is grueling,
The sister whose eyesight is fading,
The sister whose child is sick, very sick,
The sister whose child has been hurt,
The sister who is struggling with anxiety, depression and other mental health issues,
The sister who is struggling with oppression,
The sister whose world has been devastated and her life scattered by shocking news,
The sister whose marriage and home is emotionally turbulent,
The sister who is widowed and struggling to get through each day, trying to support herself and her children, one step at a time,
The sister who is divorced and heartbroken, and trying to get back on her feet, one step at a time,
The sister struggling to find work, who needs to pay the bills,
The sister facing eviction and homelessness,
The sister who doesn’t know how she’s going to feed her children tonight,
The sister from Syria, whose city and country have been destroyed, who doesn’t know anyone that hasn’t lost someone they love. All she wants to do is go home, but she can’t,
The sister who is living in a refugee camp, relying on charity to feed and clothe her and her children. She’s alone this Ramadan. Her husband didn’t make it on the boat crossing,
The sister who is walking, carrying her children and the few belongings they managed to save. Walking, hoping that wherever they are walking to will be safer than where they have come from,
To every one of you, and all the other sisters who are facing innumerable challenges, my love and du’a go out to you this Ramadan. Know, dear sister, your solace and comfort lies with Allah, Ar-Rahman, the source of our relief and the reliever of our distress. He is Able to Do All Things. 
Turn to Him and cry. Pour your heart out to Him. He is the One who can bring you ease, who can set right your affairs, who can relieve the burden that is weighing on your heart and know, for your patience, your reward awaits you in Jannah, in shaa Allah, a place where there is no sorrow or hardship; only eternal bliss and closeness to your Lord.
This life is temporary and surely we know we will be tested but this life will also be over in the blink of an eye, and the reward in the Hereafter is beyond our imaginings, so hold on to Allah in your darkest hours, when you feel like there is no one else in the world.
Hold on to Him and know, with absolute certainty that He will never leave you, never let you down and that your reward lies with Him. He is the Most Merciful, and He is ever near.


As I wrote this, it was a reminder to myself, first and foremost, that we never know what others may be facing in silence. The sister next to you in salat could be facing the greatest trial of her life.
As we pray tonight and every night in Ramadan, let’s remember the sisters who are struggling in our du’a.
And as we move through this blessed month and beyond, let’s make the effort to be compassionate, to help where we can, to ease the burden of others if we are able, to be patient and to be kind to everyone.
A smile and a kind word to your sister might be a ray of light in the darkness of her day.
Your silent du’a for her might be answered.